The golf course
We have an amazing 9-hole golf course that is as challenging as it is beautiful.
Call Pro Shop for course conditions and hours.
SUN: 7A-6:30PFall Hours Begin 9/22/24
Fall Hours: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Holidays and Weather Conditions may affect Pro Shop hours.
9 Holes Walking $15.00
9 Holes w/Riding cart $25.00
18 holes Walking $20.00
18 Holes w/Riding Cart $34.00
1/2 Cart $10.00 for 9 Holes per person
1/2 Cart $14.00 for 18 holes per person
Cart prices based on 2 people per cartRIDERS REQUIRED TO HAVE A DRIVER’S LICENSE
Season permit holders and league players must check in with Pro Shop before going to the tee.
We would like to encourage all permit holders and golf customers to call Pro Shop and schedule a tee time. Tee times are taken 2 weeks in advance only.
No fivesomes will be allowed unless Pro Shop allows and confirms it.
No outside alcoholic beverages will be permitted on the course.
Please be sure to have proper golf attire on and proper shoes.
Free relief from all flower beds, mulch areas and staked trees throughout the golf course.
Repair all ball marks and replace all divots.
Carts must be kept 30 feet from the green.
Hole #9 the ball must be through the black/white stakes before playing to the green.
Play ready golf, allow faster players through.
USGA and Local rules govern all play.